Norwegian Police Union
The Norwegian Police Union is the largest trade union for employees in the Norwegian Police Service, with more than 17,000 members.
We organize several professional groups and levels within the justice sector, both police, civilian employees, jurists and students.

Working with our members’ pay conditions is the most important issue for the Norwegian Police Union.
The union is a member of the Confederation of Unions for Professionals, Norway (Unio), and of the European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP).
Previously, there were several professional organizations and associations for police employees in Norway. Kristiania politifunksjonærers forening was founded on 28 October 1894, Norsk Politiforbund on 16 May 1905 and Lensmannsetatens Landslag in 1914.
From 1 January 1975, four police organizations were united in Norsk Politiforbund, and on 13 November 1997, this association merged with Lensmannsetatens Landslag to form today's Norwegian Police Union.

Contact us
Politiets Fellesforbund
Gjerdrums vei 4, 0484 Oslo
Telephone: (+47) 23 16 31 00
E mail: